Saturday, November 30, 2013

Still Climbing, Though the Pack is Heavier

Started a new job a few weeks ago, which is physically demanding (three bruised toenails). The practice has been a bit scarce, but I'm gaining speed. My hand drawings come out quicker now. I didn't feel right moving on to legs and feet until drawing them felt less foreign. I don't understand sign language, but I do feel a new line of communication opened up from staring at so many sources.

Oh yeah, finally finished 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. Definitely one to refer back to from time to time.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Handiwork from October

Am I sensitive to eclipses and full moons or what? My "slumps" have been coinciding with celestial events. Anywho, I've been practicing drawing hands and am going through Hogarth's book at the moment. Legs and feet are the next area I'll be focusing on.